


Today is my first day to write an article in English,which causes me to be very uneasy,so I just want to write a little bit for the moment.


Actually,my English is very poor and stagnant.

As you can see,the vocabulary I used above are very simple(Here,should I use singular or plural numbers for this word'vocabulary'?If you know,please tell me by leave a comment in the comments section below)

Maybe few people will read my article or might even criticize my writing,but that doesn't matter,I will always follow my heart and keep writing at a stationary time of day.


I want to express myself boldly but sometimes,I may fail to find suitable words to express myself due to a limited vocabulary.

So I set out to acquire a large vocabulary by reading magazine articles in English every day.

Can I stick with it?wait and see.

That's all for today,and it will continue tomorrow.


